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Will AI Turn Against Us?

Jan 27, 2024

3 min read



AI is now so prevalent that it has made its away into meme culture. That, to me, is so advanced because we take memes so seriously that we argue about them. But that's not the case for these ones made from AI-generated material.

But you can't argue about this one. 1) the cats are too cute. 2) AI is too cute because it will just do what you say without questioning it – I mean, why would a human create an image of a cat bakery? I was watching a video by The Click where we were showed examples of 'inspirational quotes' generated by AI. Now, AI can do some wonderful things, such as create accurate text and images. But these 'inspirational' quotes are my new favourite subject in the matter because I found myself cracking up (almost literally) at every one, so here are some of my favourite 'inspirational quotes' that I have discovered.

This one is by far my favourite. You can't deny it's true – very true – but not what someone would wish for themselves. Oh AI, you're so technical! <3

You don't wanna know what's going on in there. All those insecurities, yeah, just lock them up tight in a box, that's what's best.


We simply shouldn't exist. Oh man, maybe they are trying to get rid of us after all!! These ones are so hostile for absolutely no reason. Not cool.

Like I'm milking your quote right now? Yeah, this one that you think is unmilkable.

My theory

There's an obvious theme to all these images: these bots just don't understand societal values. They have the abilities of an adult but execute them in the brain of a 5-year-old. It's that adorable age where you can't be mad at them because they simply just haven't had enough experience in the world. Obviously it's important to explore your true self because that'll lead to a fulfilled life, the bot was just trying to be edgy. Obviously you shouldn't take meth to keep the family away, AI just wants to be controversial for clout. They're babies and they're trying their best.

Maybe, because AI is just a bunch of 5 year olds, we just have to raise them like children and be patient with them – then they will grow into kind and helpful adult AI and wouldn't have the desire to take over humanity.

From a technical standpoint

I know someone who is an AI specialist, and she mentioned that AI is completely under our control. If we program it to be emotional in any way we want, it will follow through. If we decide not to, it will do as we ask. It's pretty simple. But I wonder what other experts might say.

An article from University of Oxford News & Events discusses a different kind of threat that AI poses in our day-to-day lives. In the article, Google engineer Geoffrey Hinton argues that "dwelling on future catastrophes diverts attention from real ethical dangers now posed by AI," which, I have discovered, includes spreading misinformation and discrimination. This does not mean that AI will develop emotions and 'take over the world,' it just means it works based off our history as humankind, which says a lot about us as a species. When it makes a mistake, it is insanely obvious and we could just stop using the code there and then.

I do still believe that if there was a small chance they could develop 'emotions,' then we'd have to be kind.

So there you go, hope you enjoyed my verbal diarrhoea (sorry if you're eating while reading this).

Jan 27, 2024

3 min read



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